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Account Information

You need to be logged in to view account details.

Account Information

The following information will be displayed in the Account Information box to the right of the screen when logged in.

  • Your name will be a hyperlink. Click it to open the Account screen to view account details.
  • Loans - If 'Loans' is in red type, then at least one of the loans is overdue. The number after this is the number of items on loan. This is a hyperlink: click it to move to the Loans page in the Account table. If this is followed by 'Stopped', a loan stop is in force and you will not be able to borrow more items until this has been removed.
  • Reserved - The number after this is the number of current reservations. If this is in red type and followed by 'Stopped', a reservation stop is in force and you will not be able to reserve further items until this has been removed. Click the number to move to the Reservations page in the Account table.
  • Charges - This will be present if you aave library charges outstanding. The figure is a hyperlink: click it to move to the Charges page in the Account table.

Account screen

Click your name, or the Account menu option, to open the Account screen.

Select from the following pages in the Account table by clicking on the relevant tab.


This page displays your current loans and their due dates. The Renewal column contains a value such as '1 of 3'. The first number is the total number of renewals made (both in the library and 'unseen', i.e. by phone/online) and the second number is the total number of unseen renewals available. Items that are renewable will have a tickbox in the right hand column. To make a renewal, select the item(s) required by ticking the tickbox at the right of the row, then click the Renew button.


This page displays your reservations, including your place in the reservation queue. It is possible to cancel a reservation from this screen (by clicking the Cancel button immediately above the list of reservations if it is showing), but not to make a new reservation.


This page displays your bookings, displaying the title booked and when it is booked for. The entry in the Information column depends on the status of the booking: for tentative bookings it will display the date by which the booking needs to be confirmed, otherwise it will display the number of days remaining before the start of the booking, if the item is not available, or if the buffer period has been reached and the item is due to be picked from the shelf. It is possible to cancel a booking from this screen (by clicking the Cancel button immediately above the list of bookings if it is showing), but not to make a new booking.


This page displays your circulation history over a selected time period. To change the default time period, edit the entries in the From Date and To Date fields then click the Refresh button.


This page contains a list of your reviews, showing the title, the star rating associated with the review and the review status. Click on a review title to display the Detailed catalogue record, from which the review can


This page contains a list of your past fines and charges.


This page contains a list of all items that have recently been added the library and contain the subjects selected as your areas of interest. You can add one or more subjects, so that any new items in those subject area are displayed in future, by proceeding as follows:

  • Click the Edit Subjects button.
  • In the first box, type the first few letters of the subject you wish to add, then click Get Subjects.
  • Subjects starting with those letters will be displayed in the Subjects index (part) box. Highlight the subject(s) required (holding down the [Control] key to make multiple selections), and click Add Subject. The subject(s) selected will appear in the Your subjects list below.
  • If you wish to delete any subjects from your list, highlight them in the Your subjects box and click Delete Subject.
  • Click Submit Changes.


This page lists any serials routing lists you are currently included in.

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