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Printing, Emailing and Downloading Results

There are three methods of exporting records from the Search Results screens:

  • Print - select this to print the results.
  • Email - select this to send an email (e.g. to yourself) with the results as an attachment.
  • Download - select this to either display the results on screen for copying to paste into another application, or to save the results as a file.

First, from the Summary or Detailed results screen select the output method required from the links in the Results panel at the right of the screen. To output selected items from the results, select each record required by ticking the associated tickboxes, prior to selecting the output option. If you want to output a range of items (e.g. from 1 to 10) or all records, you do not need to select the records before selecting the output option.

On selecting Print, Email or Download, a new tab will appear named 'Print selection', 'Email selection' or 'Download selection' for you select the records to output and the format in which to output them.


In the Records to select panel, select the records to output by clicking the appropriate radio button. The options are:

  • All records - all records from the current set of results.
  • Selected records - the records selected (ticked) in the results. This option will not be available if no results have been selected.
  • Range - select a range of records by their position in the list of results. Enter the first and last records in the From and To boxes respectively.

In the Output style section, select one of the following:

  • Results type - Select either Summary or Detailed, depending on whether you want to export the records using a Summary display format or a Detailed display format.
  • Summary/Detailed - Select the display format to output the records in. If you selected Summary as the results type, select a format from the Summary list; if you selected Detailed as the results type, select a format from the Detailed list.

Click OK. The records to be printed will be displayed in the selected display format. Click the Print icon to open the print options box for your workstation, then click OK or Print (the options available will depend on the workstation) to print the records as displayed in the preview.

To cancel, click any of the other tabs or menu options.


In the Records to select panel, select the appropriate radio button for the records to output. The options are:

  • All records - all records from the current set of results.
  • Selected records - the records selected (ticked) from the results. This option will not be available for selection if no results have been selected.
  • Range - a range of records by their position in the list of results. Enter the first and last records to output in the From and To boxes respectively.

In the Output Format section, select one of the following:

  • html format - select this to output the records as a .htm file, i.e. in HTML format, so the records are viewable using a Web browser.
  • comma separated - select this to output the records as a .txt file, with the records in in csv (comma-separated values) format. This format is ideal for importing into spreadsheets or databases.

In the Output style section, select one of the following:

  • Results type - Select either Summary or Detailed, depending on whether you want to export the records using a Summary display format or a Detailed display format.
  • Summary/Detailed - Select the display format to output the records in. If you selected Summary as the results type, select a format from the Summary list; if you elected Detailed as the results type, select a format from the Detailed list.

Click OK to continue.

The records to be included in the email attachment will be displayed in the selected display format.

  • In the From box enter your email address, so the recipient knows who has sent the email.
  • In the To box enter the email address to which the results are to be sent. This can be the same address as in the From field.
  • To use a different subject line to the default, overtype 'Heritage Search Results' in the Subject box with the subject heading required. Add any message that you wish to appear in the body of the email in the Message box.

Click Send to send the email. The search results will be sent as an attachment, called (where x is the search term(s) used. This zip file will contain the .htm or .txt file containing the search results.


In the Records to select panel, select the appropriate radio button for the records to output. The options are:

  • All records - all records from the current set of results.
  • Selected records - the records selected (ticked) in the results. This option will not be available for selection if no results have been selected.
  • Range - a range of records by their position in the list of results. Enter the first and last records to output in the From and To boxes respectively.

In the Output Format section, select the file format required. The options are HTML, comma-separated, tab-separated or Endnote. Each can either be downloaded in a zip archive, or displayed on screen so they can be copied and pasted into another application. Thus the option are:

  • Comma-separated data, zipped - download the data as a .csv file compressed in a zip archive, with each record on a separate line and the fields separated by commas.
  • EndNote format (.txt file) - display the data on screen in a format suitable for importing into EndNote (i.e. each field preceded by EndNote import tags). All fields will be included in the output, independent of the display format selected.
  • EndNote format, zipped - download the data as a .txt file compressed in a zip archive, in the EndNote import format. All fields will be included in the output, independent of the display format selected.
  • HTML (.htm file) - display the records on screen, formatted. To access the HTML code, use the zipped version. Not HTML code but is formatted and the formatting will be retained if it is pasted into, for example MS Word. Data contains hyperlinks to the records.
  • HTML, zipped - save a HTML file compressed into a zip file.
  • Comma-separated data (.csv file) - display the data on screen with each record on a separate line and the fields separated by commas.
  • Tab-separated data (.txt file) - display the data on screen with each record on a separate line and the fields separated by tabs.
  • Tab-separated data, zipped - download the data as a .txt file compressed in a zip archive, with each record on a separate line and the fields separated by tabs.

In the Output style section, select one of the following:

  • Results type - Select either Summary or Detailed, depending on whether you want to export the records using a Summary display format or a Detailed display format.
  • Summary/Detailed - Select the display format to output the records in. If you selected Summary as the results type, select a format from the Summary list; if you elected Detailed as the results type, select a format from the Detailed list.

Note icon If you have selected comma separated or tab separated format, do not use the Harvard display format or a display format which includes cover images, else the fields will not be separated by commas or tabs: use one of the display formats which is displayed in table format.

Click OK to continue.

If you had selected to download a zip file, a dialog box will open for you to select whether to Save or Open the file, or Cancel the download. (The exact form displayed will depend on the browser you are using, but should have these three options.)

Select Save, then select a location to save the file to. The saved file will be called, where x is the search term(s) used. This zip file will contain the .htm or .txt file containing the search results. Double-click the downloaded zip file to extract the .htm, .csv or .txt file contained.

If you had selected a non-zip option, the records will be displayed on screen.

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