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Favourite Lists and Searches

The Favourites page contains your saved lists and searches, plus lists and searches which other library users have shared with you.

  • A saved list is a list of records. You can save selected records from multiple searches to a list. Records can be added to the list or or deleted as required.
  • A saved search is a saved search phrase, which can be rerun at a later date.

Note icon Click here for information on how to save lists and searches.

The maximum number of saved searches and lists you can have at any one time is displayed on the Preferences page.

Library users with the required permissions can share lists and searches with other library users, as described in the Sharing Saved Lists and Searches help page. When a list or search is shared, it automatically appears in the recipient's Shared lists table.

Any Look4 user can create a link to a saved list or saved search which can be sent to other library users. The recipient clicks the link to open the list or view the results of the search.

Public Lists

The Public lists table contains lists of items shared with you by other library users.

  • To view the records in the list, click the list name.
  • To delete a list from the table, click the red cross icon red cross icon in the right-hand column.
  • To create a link to the list to send to another Heritage user, click the link icon link icon in the right-hand column. Click here for more information on links.
  • It is not possible to add or remove records from lists shared with you.

My lists

The My Lists table contains your saved lists of items.

  • To view the items in the list, click the list name.
  • To delete records from the list, when viewing the list, mark the items to be deleted by ticking the associated tickbox, then click the Delete item(s) from list link in the Results panel at the right-hand side of the screen.
  • To delete the list, either select Delete entire list when viewing the list, or click the red cross icon red cross icon in the right-hand column from the Favourites page.
  • If you have been given permission to share lists with other users, you will see a reader button reader icon in the right-hand column. If the list has already been shared with other users the button will show two readers: reader icon. Click it to open the Share List form described here, from which you can share the list or amend the list of readers to whom it is shared.

My searches

The My Searches table contains your saved searches.

  • To re-run the search, click the search title.
  • The number in the Hits column shows the number of records which would have been returned by the search the last time the search had been either run or refreshed.
  • Click the Refresh button to find out how many records would be returned by the search if run now. The updated number of hits will be displayed, followed in parentheses by how much it has increased or decreased, e.g. (+1) if it has increased by one or (-1) if it has decreased by one.

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