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Links to Lists and Searches

To create a link to a search from the Search History, or a Favourite Search or List, click the Link icon link icon in the right-hand column of the Saved lists and Saved searches tables on the Favourites page. This will open the Create Link page.

The link is available in two formats. Select the required format depending on how the link will be used.

  • Use the link in the Copy link into an Email or IM box if the link will be pasted in an email, or an Instant Messaging program such as Windows Messenger.
  • Use the link in the Paste HTML to embed in website box if the link will be pasted into the HTML code to be made available via a webpage.

Highlight all of the text in the relevant box then copy it, either by selecting Edit > Copy, or using the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+C. It can now be pasted into your email, Instant Messaging box or HTML code.

Click Return to previous screen to return to the Favourites page.

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