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Guided Search

The Guided Search is designed for quickly searching for a specific item using, for example, words from the title or one or more author names.

Click the Guided search menu option to open the Guided Search screen.

  • The number of drop words and word span used is determined by the precision level set.
  • Search for terms in one or more selected fields. For example, enter words from the title then narrow down the search further by entering an author name. Only records containing all the terms entered will be returned.
  • Any terms entered in the All fields box will be searched for in all indexed fields.
  • When searching for authors, enter either the author's first name, surname or both (in any order). Enter multiple author names limit your search to records containing all the author names.
  • To search for items published in a particular time period, enter the start year and end year in the boxes provided. If the first box is left empty the start date will be the earliest dated item on the catalogue. If the second box is left empty, the search will cover dates up to the most recent date.
  • To restrict the search to specific media types, click the required media type from the list in the selection box. To select multiple media types, click a media type whilst holding down the [Ctrl] key. To select all media types between two media types, click the first and hold the [Shift] key down whilst clicking the second media type.
  • Do not link terms using Boolean operators: if AND, OR or AND NOT are entered, they will be interpreted as search terms.

For information on all the search options available, see the Overview of Heritage Online page.

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