Help page

Overview of Heritage Online

This page gives a summary of the options available in Heritage Online. For a more detailed list, see the Help index.

Search Options

Simple search Use the Search option to search the library catalogue. Click here for search tips.
Advanced search The Advanced search available from the Search screen allow you to restrict your searches to specific fields (e.g. Author, Title) or items of specific media types (e.g. Books, DVDs). Multiple search boxes aid the creation of complex search terms.
Guided search The Guided Search screen allows you to quickly locate specific items, by entering details of the title, author, publication year or keyword/subject of the desired item.
Re-run searches To re-run a search from the current session, go to the Search history page and click the link for the search. To re-run a saved search, go to the Favourites page, locate the search in the Favourite searches table and click the search title.

Account Options

Viewing account details View details of your library account such as current loans and reservations, subjects of interest and deatils of any charges, loan stops, reservations stops etc. via the Account screen.
Reserving items Reserve items via the Detailed results display as described in the Reserving Items help page. Email the library to request items as described in the Requesting Items help page.
Cancelling reservations Cancel reservations via the Reservations tab on the Account screen.
Changing PIN Change your PIN via the Account screen.

Other Options

Emailing library Send general emails or requests for items to the library as described in the Emailing the library help page.
Preferences Change Enquiry settings such as default search precision setting, default text size, colour theme and default summary and detailed display formats via the Preferences screen.
Circulation Staff with the appropriate permissions can conduct circulation functions via Look4.

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